Re: let me try again

by Xtra

Ya no problem. See I am a pretty experienced surfer too, I ran my own BBS on a Commodore 64 when I was young in the eighties, before the internet went public. So, I know all about bandwidth issues, etc. The best speed I could get on the 64 was 1200 bps and tied up my Mom's phone line all the time LOL. However, the majority of the posts here over the past year have been spam, its so dissapointing to see ten or more new topics, and you can tell by the title or poster's name its spam without even clicking it. I was just trying to give a lot of quality in quantity cuz I know we all want it. Anyhow, thanks for the input and look for more good stuff in the future.

Does anyone remember my small site from about five years ago?

Doesn't exist anymore obviously. Homestead was pretty dope back in those days. I wish I could get those pics of Shannon a contribution on TLHS that I lost. Ah well.

Oh and one more long and silky I found I didn't even know I had:
