let me try again

by pc

Sorry PC!

That has happened to me lots of times on this forum, when I could only check on wkends I would have to scroll back a page or two sometimes. I have noticed not a lot of posts lately and thought it was my turn to quit lurking and post some good quality posts. I didn't realize you moderated this forum.

Again sorry, I will try to minimize my posts to everyones liking, as you have been the only one with any negative feedback.


i'm not a mod.,,just,,xxxperienced in forum edicate and what's surfer friendly.

please don't ''minimize'',,just,,post as replies to your

1st post, daily [replies are unlimited, u c] or reply 2 any post, for that matter, as a ''thank you''.

[4me,,the only time i use a top line is for something really important,,not that all of yours weren't]

it was not ''negative feedback''...sorry,, if you thought it was...

i'm lovin your uploads...grrrrr8 collection. thanks for your time/imput


pssss: speekin of hennesseeeeee,,,,,,,,and 'time to change my bong water'

drag these boxxxxes to top n drop n click 'refresh'

btw: a newbee, micks, at PCs, just posted a bunch of new, top-line post.

no big deal, thar. you can click back through the pages to

the day i opened the forum.


password is longhair