Yuki and other LongHairBabes

by LonghairKassidy Website: Kassidy's Long Hair Babes

Hi guys! Sorry I've been gone so long but I've been super busy with school, trying to finish up with a half- decent grade average ( I've been drinking a lot of coffee and not getting a lot of sleep, lol) I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't been neglecting LongHairBabes.com ...I just haven't had the time to come here much and chat with you guys. I've missed you!!

I have just sent out a new newsletter to let you all know what I've been up to lately. Click on the thumbs along the left side for more photos, as well. I'm going to update my Yahoo group with a bunch of new stuff today as well so you guys can check us out

Love you lots!

Kassidy Kiss