Re: Do we know how to not have this forum not vanish one day for no reason?

by LongHairObserver

I run a software startup and have enough people and cash to host or donate etc. I also agree with the simplicity of this forum and I agree that it works for us now. I'm just worried that if Ninja decides to colonize mars, then suddenly lights get turned off one day and we scramble to connect. That's ok. No end of the world.

Long hair fetish is very specialized. It takes years of good health along with diet/genes to grow hair, which makes hair a very strong biological marker of fertility. It is very natural for any living species to get attracted to a mate that has best chances of reproducing. We are able to see that primitive attraction despite popular media wants to talk just about boobs and butts. We are an advanced sexual species that is consciously or unconsciously making biological selections to move humanity forward. I'm proud of us.

I know I'll contribute to something real like hosting, private events and hopefully one Rapunzel model competition. We can totally do entertainment deals with our favorite content makers to take care of us. We just need to be able to talk business. I respect Ninja and all other long term members/contributes and would like to stick around if any need comes to continuity. Ninja, you will invited as an honorary key note speaker if/when we are able to host an event.

I will not die without fully exploring my love for long hair. Spammers can say anything. Eventually, I'll form a group of serious people, make deals with entertainers and actually have a good time. Time to live and we deserve it.