Blonde Babysitter

by lhf112

Like so many others who've answered, I first realized my attraction to long hair because of a babysitter I had, from the time I was 6 until around 10.

She had stick-straight, thick, silky blonde hair that went a little past her waist, and I was absolutely enamored with it. I loved watching her play with it and style it, and every now and again she'd have me brush it for her to keep me occupied.

But something else she did sometimes is if we were playing around, she'd pin me down and swish her hair in my face to tickle me. That used to actually make me hard, not that I understood why lol. If she ever noticed that, she never told me.

I had seen her a few years ago and her hair was a little past shoulder length, but she said she wanted to grow it back out again. I hope she does