Re: WTF?

by Longpageboy

Although I must admit that I have repeatedly posted in this thread, too, I totally understand what you are getting at, and I can only support it again - as I had already written in my first post in this very thread.

Long hair starts below the shoulders, and we should basically agree that the minimum to be posted and celebrated here is bra strap length. A forum like this, as I see it, is a place to first and foremost post, exchange, and appreciate extraordinary hair we only rarely or never get to see in real life.

Even if we just agreed on bra strap length, I could, as a teacher, theoretically post half of the senior girls from my very ordinary rural high school school here (which of course I will never do), who are at least every bit as attractive as the celebrities and actresses sometimes featured on this forum as models of beauty and great hair. Such lengths in amazing quality are simply far more common than most of you seem to think.