Hair fetish

by Richard

For years, I have always admired and been attracted to gals with long straight silky hair. Furthermore, It has always bothered me to see or hear about gals cutting their hair short or always dying it different colors and wind up shaving their head bald. All to often I have wondered if a lot of gals may have some sort of a hair fetish fantasy. For an example, some gals may really enjoy having their pulled hard while others may like the sound of the scissors ripping through their long silky hair while its being cut short or until its all gone. And then there are those who may just want to be noticed just because of the different colors in their short hair or because they just got their head shaved but, all of this is just a small part of the picture. If you are a gal who has a personal hair fetish and have been thinking about changing your hair style please do not do anything to your hair until you contact me first. If you are that gal please drop me a line.