Streetshots - Updates...

by ninja

i made some streetshots... at last Camera

[borrowed someone's camara Innocent Angel ]

........ it seems that i was really close and in fact i was. It was in a very small alley, i could almost touch Her

i made some more pix, but when i was editing these it got me thinking: i've seen streetshots all over the internet, but the strange thing is, these Women don't even know that their picture was taken [This Woman didn't notice me!] .... Let be She knows Her pix are all over the internet now, and people like us are looking [= lurking] at them... at Her that is!!!... isn't that kind of ... uhm, strange Confused

What do you guys / Girls... think about this... i'm not really comfortable with it when i think about it you know...

[ let's have a discussion.... ]


BTW, i've updated

- i've added a links section

... so far i've added some links to Yahoo groups, but more links will follow later....